Light Kamasse | Photographer
“We hope that our shirts will spark conversation and inspire change”
Tell me about yourself:
I am 22 years old, from Togo and have been living in the US for 14 years. I like playing basketball, I love colors and shoes. I have 4 siblings. I love photography and I feel like God has called me to do something with media in the future.
What are you studying in school?
I'm studying marketing. I started with pharmacy because my sister wanted to be a doctor and my dad wanted us to start a medical thing together. When I changed my degree my parents weren't offended surprisingly.
Why did you start your clothing line?
The way the media portrays clothing is very negative and I felt like, as believers, we should have an influence on how clothing is portrayed. Normally christian fashion is corny. The hardest part was coming up with the name. I wanted something catchy, and thought provoking that also conveys our message.
At first I started off drawing a light bulb, then I realized that it has an outer shell. But the outer shell doesn't matter, only whats inside. I thought about us being vessels when we have our identity in Christ, and how we should let him fill us up with all he is. Everything we show is a representation of whats in us. Think of it as like water, its going to show even if its clear or dirty. The light bulb is our identity. If one of the fragments in the light bulb break off, then it doesn't work. So as Christians we have to be in harmony with the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. God should govern our decisions to live like Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit. If we miss an aspect of abiding by the spirit or loving God or fearing God, then the denial of one part of the the trinity, is the denial of all. Just as the light bulb needs all 3 parts to work.
Glowing Vessels was perfect because light is my name, its cool and people always ask about it so its a good gateway for conversation. I wanted to make something for believers and evangelize at the same time. Some people have turned our clothes down because they say they aren't Christian so they can't wear it. Some believers want it to be explicitly about the gospel but it's supposed to be a representation of the message. Our vision is for it to display the reason behind it. It's inevitable that people will wear our brand and go do something that we do not approve of but we hope that our shirts will spark conversation and inspire change.
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How are you able to juggle working full time, going to school full time and running this brand?
I prioritize. It's all about knowing your vision and being of one accord with God. I'm willing to do all this work because I know that I'm playing a role in the bigger picture. I remember when I was younger and all the problems, and bullying I went through. There are so many problems in the world but everything I do from now on has to play into the solution. Do your part, and God will back you up. But don't put your hope in works
What advice can you give to others trying to follow their dreams?
Don't just follow your dreams. Its a big obsession in our generation. Make sure that your dreams are aligned with truth. Know why you were created, then you will know your purpose.
What makes you original?
I'm original because its not about the clothes, but the ministry behind it.
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