Soul Print
Soul Print by Mark Batterson is one of my first favorite Christian books. This book probably birthed my love for Christian literature. I don't know how I forgot about it, but this is the perfect book to end the summer with. Mark uses King David as the continual theme throughout the book. He uses each season of Davids astonishing life to explain how life's ups and downs have a divine purpose if we allow God to use them. I mean Davids life was crazy, and to see how God used every little experience for his Glory shows God's intricate plan for our lives. David was the most unsuspecting person to become King of Gods people, and he went though many horrible years before claiming the throne, but God used those tough times to develop Davids character. And during Davids problems, he channeled his emotions into his writing, leaving us with the most beautiful and popular poetry/music in the world. And just like David, God has an amazing story written out for you. The idea of soul print is that, just like our thumb print is exclusively unique, so is our soul print. I highly recommend you read this book because it gives you the perfect boost to be original.
Here are my favorite quotes:
"You were conceived by God long before you were conceived by your parents. You took shape in the imagination of the Almighty before you took shape in your mother's womb." - pg. 10
“The goal is not accomplishing the dream God has given to you. The dream is a secondary issue. The primary issue is who you become in the process. We fixate on what and when and where. God’s primary concern is always who. And He won’t get you where He wants you to go until you become who He wants you to be.”
"Our greatest advantage may not be what we perceive as our greatest advantages. Our greatest advantages may actually be hidden in out greatest disadvantage, if we learn to leverage them. And the key to discovering your soul-print is identifying those disadvantages via careful, and sometimes painful, self-inventory". - Pg. 19
"Every divine appointment is preceded by a season of preparation. And if we submit to the preparation, God will fulfill His promise. If we don't, He won't. Why Because God never sets us up to fail". - Pg 25
"We hate to wait. We want our dreams to become reality yesterday. But I've come to appreciate what I now call divine delays. God wants you to get where God wants you to go more than you want to get where God wants you to go. So take a deep breath, enjoy the journey, and know that God will get you there when you're ready to get there". - Pg 28
"Sometime you have to die to the dream God has given you so that God can resurrect the dream in its glorified form. And by glorified form, I simply mean pursuing the dream for God's glory. When we stop living for selfish purposes, the pressure comes off. And that's when your destiny comes into focus". - Pg. 70