3 Lessons From 2016
Before going into the new year, I recommend taking some time to reflect on the past year. 2016 was a year of many ups and downs, but each hurdle was a lesson that I'm glad I learned. I feel like I grew up immensely this year and 2017 will bring even more growth. Here are a few big lessons from 2016.
1. Hard Work Will Pay Off
When I look back at my college experience, I don't know how I survived! Graduating, taught me that If you set your mind on accomplishing something, you will. But I also learned a lot about my strengths and weaknesses.
Photographer: @Akinolawo
- Know your limits and don't kill yourself in order to accomplish something
I took so much pride in overworking myself, eating poorly and getting very little sleep. I would brag about having multiple jobs while taking 5 to 6 classes a semester! I had to snatch myself out of that and decide to make healthier choices. There's nothing wrong with knowing your limits and living accordingly.
- Prioritize your goals
At some point, I had to quit 2 of my 3 job's in order to focus on passing those classes. I think it's easy to get cause up in making money or keeping up with a hobby and loose track on your top priority. I didn't pass every class, cause I got sidetracked, and I paid the consequences for that.
2. Failure is Necessary
I didn't know that I had a problem with failure until I failed at my first attempt at graduate school. I worked my little ass off in a program and was convinced that I was meant to be a teacher; but when all was said and done, I had to accept that I sucked at it.
Failing at this program taught me these essential life lessons:
- No experience is a waste
I enjoyed the time I spent in the program because I met amazing people and was challenged in new ways. Failing almost broke my self-esteem and shook my sense of purpose, but I'm grateful for that experience cause it taught me the importance of failing fast and failing forward.
“If you’re not failing, you’re not trying”
3. I have to create my own destiny
I don't make rash or spontaneous decisions and tend to do what I'm expected to. I've always expected things in life to fall into place, but 2016 was filled with many disappointments that shook my false security. I allowed the timid and fearful spirit of my environment to limit me or what I thought I was capable of. 2016 woke me up and now I'm ready to take life into my own hands and create the type of life I want.
Do and
Everything God has called you to be ”
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